How to Get Bones in Palworld, How to, Get Bones in Palworld, How to Get Bones Palworld, Bones in Palworld,

Palworld is a game where you can explore a vast open world, interact with various creatures called pals, and craft your own items and structures. One of the materials that you will need in Palworld is bone. Bones in palworld is a yellow mineral that you can obtain from certain pals, either by capturing them or defeating them. You can also buy bone from wandering merchants, but they are quite expensive. In this blog post, I will show you the best ways to get bone in Palworld, as well as what you can use it for.

Why You Need Bone in Palworld

Bone is a valuable resource in Palworld that has many uses. You can use bone for the following purposes:

  • Crafting items: You can use bone to craft various items, such as cement, mega glider, suspicious juice, strange juice, medical supplies, high grade medical supplies, memory wiping medicine, and mind control meds. Some of these items are very useful for your survival and progression in the game.
  • Upgrading your base: You can use bone to upgrade your base and unlock new technologies. For example, you can use bone to build a medieval medicine workbench, which allows you to make medicine for your pals. You can also use bone to build a paldium furnace, which allows you to smelt paldium, a rare and powerful metal.
  • Making medicine: You can use bone to make medicine for your pals, which can heal them from injuries, illnesses, and status effects. Some of the medicine that you can make with bone are medical supplies, high grade medical supplies, memory wiping medicine, and mind control meds. These medicine can have various effects on your pals, such as restoring their health, removing their memories, or controlling their minds.

How to Get Bone in Palworld

There are two main ways to get bone in Palworld: from pals or from merchants. Here are the details of each method:

  • From pals: You can get bone from certain pals that drop it as a loot. You can either capture these pals with pal spheres, or defeat them in combat. Capturing them will give you more bone, but it will also consume your pal spheres. Defeating them will give you less bone, but it will also save your resources. The choice is up to you. The pals that drop bone are: Anubis, Bushi, Cawgnito, Gorirat, Loupmoon, Maraith, Rushoar, Vanwyrm, Vanwyrm Cryst, Verdash, and Vixy. You can find these pals in different biomes, such as the desert, the volcano, the forest, and the snow. Some of these pals are easy to find and catch, while others are rare and powerful. You can use the Palworld wiki or the Game8 guide to learn more about these pals and their locations.
  • From merchants: You can also buy bone from wandering merchants, who are NPCs that travel around the world and sell various items. You can find them in settlements, which are small villages or towns that have shops and facilities. You can recognize wandering merchants by their distinctive outfits and backpacks. You can buy bone from them for 100 gold each, which is quite expensive. However, this method is faster and easier than hunting for pals, especially if you have a lot of gold to spare. You can earn gold by selling items, completing quests, or finding treasure chests. You can use the Eurogamer guide or the Charlie INTEL guide to learn more about how to get gold and where to find merchants.

Tips and Tricks for Getting Bone in Palworld

Here are some tips and tricks for getting bone in Palworld:

  • Use a flying pal, such as Pteranodon or Dragon, to travel faster and safer between bone locations. You can also use a riding pal, such as Camel or Lavas, to carry more bone in your inventory.
  • Use a fire-resistant pal, such as Lavas or Phoenix, to explore the volcano biome without taking damage from the heat or lava. You can also use a water pal, such as Wateron or Seadra, to cool yourself down in the desert biome.
  • Use a combat pal, such as Dragon or Ifrit, to protect yourself from hostile pals and other players. You can also use a stealth pal, such as Chameleos or Ninjat, to avoid detection and escape from danger.
  • Use a crafting pal, such as Crafty or Handy, to craft items on the go. You can also use a healing pal, such as Nurse or Medica, to heal yourself and your pals.
  • Use a trading pal, such as Merchant or Bargain, to sell your bone and buy other items from shops. You can also use a bargaining pal, such as Haggler or Negotiator, to get better prices and deals.

By employing these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to accumulating a healthy stock of bones in Palworld. Remember, a well-planned hunt, a watchful eye for hidden caches, or a strategic visit to the merchant can ensure you have the resources needed to keep your Pals healthy and your crafting projects on track!


Bone is a useful resource in Palworld that can be used for crafting items, upgrading your base, and making medicine. You can get bone from certain pals, either by capturing them or defeating them. You can also buy bone from wandering merchants, but they are quite expensive. You can also use different pals to help you get bone faster and easier. I hope this blog post was helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and happy bone hunting!
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