Gen Z Bible Story John 3

Forget fairy godmothers and Prince Charmings, fam. John 3:16 {Gen Z Bible Story John 3} is dropping the ultimate plot twist on love you didn’t see coming. No, it’s not about some dusty old dude in the sky judging your Insta feed. This is real talk about love so epic, so mind-blowing, it’ll shatter your heart open like a double tap on a thirst trap. Buckle up, besties, ’cause we’re diving deep into the universe’s juiciest secret: God’s love ain’t transactional, it’s straight-up #goals.

Think infinite wifi-levels of connection, the ultimate ride-or-die squad, and a love story that rewrites the script on happily ever afters. Ready to ditch the “bae who?” blues and find the ultimate #SoulmateStatus? Hit the scroll, fam, and let’s get real about love, like, actually.

Gen Z Bible Story John 3

Story of John 3 – Jesus and Nicodemus

So, there was this big-shot Pharisee named Nicodemus – basically, the VIP of religious leaders. 🕶️ One night, he slid into Jesus’ DMs like, “Hey, JC, we know you’re the real deal. What’s the 411 on God’s kingdom?”

Jesus hit him back with some divine wisdom, “Bro, to see the kingdom, you gotta hit that spiritual refresh button – be born again, not in a ‘hit replay’ way, but like, a soul makeover.” 🔄👶

Nicodemus, being the literal thinker he was, was like, “Wait, how can I crawl back into my mom’s womb? That’s not how Snapchat filters work!” 😳

Jesus laughed, “Nah, fam. I’m talking about a spiritual rebirth, water and Spirit vibes. It’s like leveling up in a video game, but with eternal life as the grand prize!” 🌊🎮

He dropped some deep truth bombs like, “God sent me, not for heavenly selfies, but to save the world. Light’s here, but people love the dark because it’s Instagram-filter friendly.” 🌌📸

Nicodemus was lowkey confused, but Jesus dropped this iconic line: “For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son. Whoever vibes with Him gets eternal life – no cancel culture here!” 💙✝️

And that’s the lowdown on Jesus and Nicodemus – where born again meets eternal life, and God’s love is the ultimate trending topic. 🌐💖 #BornAgain #EternalVibes #JesusRevolution

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Script format of the Gen Z Bible Story John 3

Gen Z Bible Story John 3

Title: Born Again Vibes


We open with NICODEMUS (a Pharisee with serious vibes) sneaking through the shadows to meet JESUS (the ultimate spiritual influencer).

NICODEMUS Hey, JC, got a sec?

JESUS (looking up from his cosmic feed) Sup, Nic? What’s poppin’?

NICODEMUS (whispering) We’ve seen your miracles, man. What’s the insider info on God’s kingdom?

JESUS (leaning in) Ah, Nic, you gotta hit the spiritual refresh button, you feel me? Be born again, not like replaying a track, but a whole soul makeover.

NICODEMUS (scratching his head) Wait, crawl back into my mom’s womb? That’s not how Instagram works!

JESUS (laughing) Nah, bro. Spiritual rebirth. Water and Spirit vibes. Like leveling up in a video game, but the prize is eternal life, not just a high score.

NICODEMUS (raising an eyebrow) So, no womb reentry, got it.

JESUS (preaching) God sent me, not for heavenly selfies, but to save the world. Light’s here, but people love the dark ’cause it’s Instagram-filter friendly.

NICODEMUS (still confused) Eternal life? What’s the catch?

JESUS (dropping truth bombs) No catch, my dude. God’s love is the ultimate trending topic. “For God so loved the world, He gave His only Son.” Eternal vibes for whoever’s on board.

They part ways, leaving Nicodemus pondering the divine tea that just got spilled.

NICODEMUS (to himself) Born again, eternal vibes… this is gonna be a game-changer.

End scene, as Nicodemus heads into the night, contemplating the cosmic revolution Jesus just dropped on him.

I hope you enjoy this script format of the John 3 story!
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